Safer Brand Yellow Jacket Attractant 0.25 oz.


Sale price$6.12


Effective both indoors and out, the Safer Brand Deluxe Yellow Jacket and Wasp bait attract insects like a magnet. Add this bait into the Safer Brand Deluxe Yellow Jacket and Wasp Traps when your bait has run low or if the trap is emptied. Rest assured that this bait is food-grade and contains no pesticides so it can keep your home and yard free from harmful chemicals! Each trap comes with one bait, but since the traps are re-usable you will need more bait for future use. To use the bait, first, take a look at the trap. Before opening the trap ensure that any yellowjackets or wasps are dead. Next, open the trap, cut off the squeeze tube, and empty the tube into the trap. Continue with assembly and then refill bait again when you need to change or clean out the trap.

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